Suggested Reading
A Texian Reading List
FOR MORE INFORMATION on the Battle of San Jacinto, and events in Texas history leading up to the battle, check out the following titles. They are available in many public, college, and university libraries, and some of them are currently in print and may be easily purchased. We've also provided a list of links to sites full of great information on all things Texian.
The Adventures and Recollections of General Walter P. Lane, a San Jacinto Veteran, Containing Sketches of the Texian, Mexican and Late Wars, With Several Indian Fights Thrown In. Lane, Walter P. Dallas, Tex.: De Golyer Library and William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies, Southern Methodist University, 2000.
Adventures in the Texas Navy and at the Battle of San Jacinto. Cushing, S. W. Austin, Tex.: W. M. Morrison Books, 1985.
After San Jacinto: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1836-1841. Nance, Joseph Milton. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1963.
After the Alamo – San Jacinto: From the Notes of Doctor Nicholas Decomps Labadie. Courtney, Jovita. New York: Vantage Press, 1964.
The Alamo and Beyond: A Collector's Journey. Collins, Phil. Buffalo Gap, Tex.: State House Press, 2012.
The Alamo and the War of Texas Independence 1835-36. Haythornthwaite, Philip. London: Osprey, 1986.
The Alamo Remembered: Tejano Accounts and Perspectives. Matovina, Timothy M. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1995.
Almonte’s Texas: Juan N. Almonte’s 1835 Inspection, Secret Report & Role in the 1836 Campaign. Almonte, Juan Nepomuceno. Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 2003.
An Altar for Their Sons: The Alamo and the Texas Revolution in Contemporary Newspaper Accounts. Zaboly, Gary S. Buffalo Gap, Tex.: State House Press, 2011.
La Bataille de San Jacinto. Billières, Alain. Versailles: Editions de Paris, 2004.
The Battle of San Jacinto. Pohl, James W. Austin, Tex.: Texas State Historical Association, c1989.
The Battle of San Jacinto, and the San Jacinto Campaign. Kemp, Louis Wiltz, and Ed Kilman. Houston, Tex.: San Jacinto Museum of History Assn., 1947.
Black Leaders: Texans for Their Times. Barr, Alwyn and Robert A. Calvert, editors. Austin, Tex.: Texas State Historical Association, c1981.
Black Texans: A History of African Americans in Texas, 1528-1995. Barr, Alwyn. 2nd edition. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1996.
Coahuila y Texas en la Epoca Colonial. Alessio Robles, Vito. 2nd edition. Mexico: Editorial Porrua, 1978.
Documents of Major Gen. Sam. Houston, Commander in Chief of the Texian Army, to His Excellency David G. Burnet, President of the Republic of Texas. Houston, Sam. Austin, Tex.: Pemberton, 1964.
The Eagle: the Autobiography of Santa Anna. Crawford, Ann Fears, editor. Austin, Texas: State House Press, 1988.
Eighteen Minutes: The Battle of San Jacinto and the Texas Independence Campaign. Moore, Stephen L. Dallas: Republic of Texas Press, c2004.
The Evolution of a State, or, Recollections of Old Texas Days. Smithwick, Noah. Austin, Tex.: University of Texas Press, 1983.
General Vicente Filisola’s Anaylsis of José Urrea’s Military Diary. Filísola, Vicente. Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 2007.
General Sidney Sherman, Texas Soldier, Statesman, and Builder. Bate, Walter Nathaniel. 1st edition. Waco, Tex.: Texian Press, 1974.
The Heroes of San Jacinto. Dixon, Samuel Houston and Louis Wiltz Kemp. Houston, Texas: Anson Jones Press, 1932.
How Texas Won Her Freedom: The Story of Sam Houston & the Battle of San Jacinto. Warren, Robert Penn. San Jacinto Monument, Tex.: San Jacinto Museum of History, 1959.
Indian Agent: Peter Ellis Bean in Mexican Texas. Jackson, Jack. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2005.
Jackson, Crockett and Houston on the American Frontier : From Fort Mims to the Alamo, 1813-1836. Williams, Paul. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., c2016.
José Antonio Navarro: In Search of the American Dream in Nineteenth-Century Texas. McDonald, David R. Denton: Texas State Historical Association, 2010.
Lone Star Nation: How a Ragged Army of Volunteers Won the Battle for Texas Independence, and Changed America. Brands, H. W. New York: Doubleday, 2004.
Lone Star Navy: the Fight for the Gulf of Mexico, and the Shaping of the American West. Jordan, Jonathan W. Dulles, Va.: Potomac Books, 2005.
Lone Star Rising: The Revolutionary Birth of the Texas Republic. Davis, William C. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2006.
Lorenzo de Zavala: the Pragmatic Idealist. Henson, Margaret Swett. Fort Worth, Tex.: Texas Christian University Press, c1996.
Matamoros and the Texas Revolution. Roell, Craig H. Denton: Texas State Historical Association, 2013.
Memoirs for the History of the War in Texas. 1st edition. Filísola, Vicente. Austin, Texas: Eakin Press, 1985-1987.
A Mexican Sergeant’s Recollections of the Alamo & San Jacinto. Becerra, Francisco. Austin, Tex.: Jenkins Pub. Co., 1980.
The Mexican Side of the Texan Revolution (1836). Castañeda, Carlos Eduardo, translator. New York: Arno Press, 1976, c1928.
More Zeal Than Discretion: The Westward Adventures of Walter P. Lane. Bryan, Jimmy L. College Station, Tex.: Texas A & M University Press, 2008.
Narrative of Robert Hancock Hunter, 1813-1902. Hunter, Robert Hancock. Mesquite, Tex.: Ide House, 1982.
New Orleans and the Texas Revolution. Miller, Edward L. College Station, Tex.: Texas A&M University Press, c2004.
The Paper Republic. Bevill, James P. Houston: Bright Sky Press, 2009.
Recollections of a Tejano Life: Antonio Menchaca in Texas History. Menchaca, Antonio, edited by Timothy Matovina and Jesús F. de la Teja. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2013.
Reminiscences of Moses Austin Bryan. Crook, Wilson W., editor. Houston: Houston Archeological Society, c2016.
A Revolution Remembered: the Memoirs and Selected Correspondence of Juan N. Seguín. Seguín, Juan Nepomuceno. Austin, Tex.: Texas State Historical Association, 2002.
Sam Houston. Haley, James L. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 2002.
San Jacinto the Sixteenth Decisive Battle. Wharton, Clarence. Houston, Tex.: Lamar Book Store, 1930.
Santa Anna of Mexico. Fowler, Will. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2007.
Santa Anna’s Mexican Army 1821-48. Chartrand, René. Oxford: Osprey, 2004.
Sea of Mud: The Retreat of the Mexican Army After San Jacinto, an Archeological Investigation. Dimmick, Gregg J. Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 2004.
The Secret War for Texas. Reid, Stuart. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2007.
Sleuthing the Alamo: Davy Crockett's Last Stand and Other Mysteries of the Texas Revolution. Crisp, James E. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Stephen F. Austin, Empresario of Texas. Cantrell, Gregg. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1999.
Sword of San Jacinto: a Life of Sam Houston. De Bruhl, Marshall. New York: Random House, 1993.
Tejano Leadership in Mexican and Revolutionary Texas. De la Teja, Jesús F., editor. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2010.
The Texan Army 1835-46. Reid, Stuart. Oxford: Osprey, 2003.
Texas by Terán: The Diary Kept by General Manuel de Mier y Terán on his 1828 Inspection of Texas. Mier y Terán, Manuel de. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2000.
The Texas Revolutionary Experiences: A Political and Social History 1835-1836. Lack, Paul D. College Station, Tex.: Texas A&M University Press, 1992.
Texas Through Time: Evolving Interpretations. Buenger, Walter L. and Robert A. Calvert, editors. College Station, Tex: Texas A&M University Press, c1991.
Texian Iliad: a Military History of the Texas Revolution. Hardin, Stephen L. 1st edition. Austin, Tex.: University of Texas Press, 1994.
Thunder Beyond the Brazos: Mirabeau B. Lamar, a Biography. Ramsay, Jack C. Jr. 1st edition. Austin, Tex.: Eakin Press, 1985.
The Trail to San Jacinto. McDonald, Archie. Boston: American Press, 1982.
Uniforms of the Alamo and the Texas Revolution and the Men Who Wore Them, 1835-1836. Marshall, Bruce. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publ., 2003.
Unsettled Land: From Revolution to Republic, the Struggle for Texas. Haynes, Sam. New York: Basic Books, 2022.
With Santa Anna in Texas: A Personal Narrative of the Revolution. Peña, José Enrique de la. expanded edition. College Station, Tex.: Texas A&M University Press, c1977.
Women and the Texas Revolution. Scheer, Mary L., ed. Denton, Tex.: University of North Texas Press, 2012.
The Alamo: Symbol of Freedom. Marcovitz, Hal. Mason Philadelphia: Mason Crest, 2015.
Alamo All-Stars. Hale, Nathan. Abrams, 2016.
An American in Texas: The Story of Sam Houston. Cervantes, Peggy. Greensboro, NC: Morgan Reynolds Publishing, 2004.
The Angel of Goliad: Francisca Alvarez and the Texas War for Independence. Randolf, Joanne. New York: Primary Source, 2004.
Anson Jones: The Last President of the Republic of Texas. Flynn, Jean. Austin, Tex.: Eakin Press, 1997.
Antonio López de Santa Anna. Bankston, John. Hockessin, Del.: Mitchell Lane Publishers, 2004.
"Bonjour, y'all!" : A Squirrel's Nutty Tale of the Texas French Legation. Hecker, Gaylon Finlklea. San Antonio, Tex.: French Legation Museum Committee, Daughters of the Republic of Texas, c2016.
Causes and Effects of the Texas Revolution. Harasymiw, Therese. New York: Rosen, 2010.
The De León Family of Texas. Cervantes, Peggy. Houston, Tex.: Hendrick Long Publishing Company, 2011.
Deaf Smith: Scout, Spy and Texas Hero. Harper, Jo. Austin, Tex.: Press, 1996.
Francisca Alvarez: el Angel de Goliad. Egan, Tracie. New York: Editorial Buenas Letras, 2004.
Francisca Alvarez: The Angel of Goliad. Egan, Tracie. New York: Rosen Central Primary Source, 2004.
From New Jersey to Texas: David Gouverneur Burnet, President of a New Republic. Carnes, Ruth J. Austin, Tex.: Eakin Press, 1986.
Hispanic America, Texas, and the Mexican War: 1835-1850. Collier, Christopher. Cavendish Square Publishing, 2008.
Juan Seguín: Tejano Leader. Chemerka, William R. Houston, Tex.: Bright Sky Press, 2012.
Leaders in the Texas Revolution: United for a Cause. Rodgers, Kelly. Huntington Beach, Calif.: Teacher Created Materials, 2013.
The Life and Times of Stephen F. Austin. Roberts, Russell. Hockessin, Del.: Mitchell Lane Publishers, 2008.
Lorenzo de Zavala. Tracy, Kathleen. Bear, Del.: Mitchell Lane, 2003.
Maggie Houston: My Father’s Honor. Cook, Jane. Houston, Tex. Hendrick Long Publish Company, 2002.
Magnificent Sam: The Amazing Adventures of Sam Houston. Cockerell, Laurie. Fort Worth: Kinderfable Press, 2013.
Mirabeau B. Lamar: Second President of Texas. Alter, Judy. Abilene, Tex.: State House Press, 2005.
President Mirabeau B. Lamar: Father of Texas Education. Morgan, Elizabeth Dearing. Austin: Eakin Press, 1994.
A Proud and Isolated Nation: Americans Take a Stand in Texas 1820-1845. Stewart, Sheila. Philadelphia: Mason Crest Publishers, 2005.
Remember the Alamo: Texians, Tejanos, and Mexicans Tell Their Stories. Walker, Robert Paul. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2007.
The Road to San Jacinto: Texas Gains Independence. Wade, Mary Dodson. Carlisle, Mass.: Discovery Enterprises, 1997.
Sam Houston. Trumbauer, Lisa. Mankato, Minn.: Capstone Press, 2004.
Sam Houston: Courageous Texas Hero. Sanford, William R. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Publishers, 2013.
Sam Houston: I Am Houston. Wade, Mary Dodson. Houston, Tex.: Bright Sky Press, 2009.
Sam Houston: Soldier and Statesman. Boraas, Tracey. Mankato, Minn.: Capstone Press, 2003.
Santa Anna: Patriot or Scoundrel. Tolliver, Ruby C. Houston, Tex.: Eakin Press, 1993.
The Siege of the Alamo: Soldiering in the Texan Revolution. Beller, Susan Provost. Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books, 2008.
Stephen F. Austin: and the Founding of Texas. Haley, James L. New York: PowerPlus Books, 2003.
Stephen F. Austin: The Father of Texas. Isecke, Harriet, and Stephanie Kuligowski. Huntington Beach, Calif.: Teacher Created Materials, 2013.
The Texas Fight for Independence: From the Alamo to San Jacinto. Torres, John Albert. Berkeley Heights, N.J.: MyReportLinks.com Books, 2006.
Texas’ First Lady Margaret Lea Houston, Wife of the President. Kerr, Rita. Austin, Tex.: Eakin Press, 1987.
All for Texas: A Story of Texas Liberation. Wisler, G. Clifton. Lincolnwood, Ill.: Jamestown Publishers, 2000.
At the Battle of San Jacinto with Rip Cavitt. Carter, Kathryn Turner. Austin, Tex.: Eakin Press, 1983.
The Donkey Boy. Wilburn, Barlyn Webb. Austin, Tex.: Eakin Press, 2002.
The Great Texas Scare: A Story of the Runaway Scrape. Jones, Martha Tannery. Dallas: Hendrick-Long Publishing Co., 1988.
Journey to Goliad. Cuate, Melodie A. Lubbock, Tex.: Texas Tech University Press, 2009.
Journey to Gonzales. Cuate, Melodie A. Lubbock, Tex.: Texas Tech University Press, 2008.
Journey to San Jacinto. Cuate, Melodie A. Lubbock, Tex.: Texas Tech University Press, 2007.
Journey to the Alamo. Cuate, Melodie A. Lubbock, Tex.: Texas Tech University Press, 2006.
Remember the Alamo: The Runaway Scrape Diary of Belle Wood, Austin’s Colony, 1835-1836. Rogers, Lisa Waller. Lubbock: Texas Tech University Press, 2003.
Sarah’s Flag for Texas. Knapik, Jane Alexander. Austin, Tex.: Eakin Press, 1993.
Texas History LinksExpand
When you’ve learned all about San Jacinto, and planned your visit, check out these terrific Texas websites. Clicking on a link below will take you out of the official San Jacinto Museum and Battlefield website.
Handbook of Texas Online
An encylopedia and biographical dictionary that covers every aspect of Texas history.
Portal to Texas History
The Portal to Texas History offers a digital gateway to the rich collections held in Texas libraries, museums, archives, historical societies, and private collections.
Texas General Land Office Land Grant Database
Did your ancestor receive a land grant for military service during the Texas Revolution? Find out!
The Alamo
The official website of one of Texas’ most sacred places; lots of good information about the world-renowned site.
Goliad State Park
The online presence of Goliad State Park & Site, an almost 200-acre historical park on the San Antonio River near Goliad.
Fannin Battleground State Historic Site
Fannin Battleground memorializes the brave soldiers who fought the Battle of Coleto Creek in 1836 during the Texas War for Independence.
Presidio La Bahia
Website of the historically significant place that saw the first fighting between Texian revolutionaries and officials of the Mexican government.
Texas Historical Commission State Historic Sites
Texas Historical Commission shares history at sites across the state - both well before and after the Texas Revolution; plan your road trip soon.
San Jacinto Descendants
The San Jacinto Descendants is a group of lineal descendants of the heroes who fought at the Battle of San Jacinto as well as those who were in the baggage train at Harrisburg.
Daughters of the Republic of Texas
Official website of one of Texas’ oldest and most revered historical organizations.
Sons of the Republic of Texas
An historical brotherhood committed to perpetuating the memory and spirit of Texas heroes and settlers.
Texas Navy
The site of the three Texas Navies and the Texas Navy Association presents the naval history of Texas.
Bullock Texas State History Museum
This museum tells the story of Texas through an array of exhibits, historical artifacts and multimedia.
Sam Houston Memorial Museum and Republic of Texas Presidential Library
Located just outside Houston in Huntsville, Texas, this museum is dedicate to the life and time of Sam Houston. It’s worth the trip.
Sam Houston Regional Library & Research Center
One of Texas’ depositories of archival materials, the regional library in Liberty collects, preserves, and makes available the historical records of southeast Texas.
Star of the Republic Museum
Website of the Star of the Republic Museum, a museum located in the 300-acre Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historical Site.
Brazoria County Historical Museum
Everyone hears about the famous Texas heroes. What about the settlers? This museum in Angleton tells you all about them.
TARO (Texas Archival Resources Online)
TARO makes descriptions of the rich archival, manuscript, and museum collections in repositories across the state available to the public.
William J. Hill Texas Artisans & Artists Archive
Find out about the 19th-century Texas artisans and artists who created ceramics, furniture, textiles, metalworks, photographs, paintings, and works on paper in this growing region.