Veteran Bio
The Kemp Sketch
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BOMAR, DR. WILLIAM W. - Name not shown on the San Jacinto rolls printed in a booklet in 1836 or on the San Jacinto rolls in the General Land office. The compiler is responsible for his name being placed on the bronze plaque in the San Jacinto monument on which are listed the names of the men who participated in the battle of San Jacinto. He now (March 26, 1941) believes that Dr. Bomar was among these detailed to guard the baggage at the camp opposite Harrisburg April 21, 1836. Dr. Bomar was born in Spartanburg, South Carolina in 1797, a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (High) Bomar. The following information concerning him is contained in a Comptroller’s Military Service Record: He left Bolivar, Hardeman county, Tennessee, February 26, 1836, for the purpose of entering the Army of Texas. He left New Orleans on about the first day of March. He was especially detailed by Captain Henry Millard to attend the sick at Harrisburg, April 19th. On April 26, 1836, he was ordered by General Houston to go to Galveston Island. On May 25, he applied at Velasco for a furlough.
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Conptroller’s Military Record No. 7488 contains the following statements: Adjutant General John A. Wharton on March 9, 1836 wrote: “Know all men by these presents that, I, Jno. A. Wharton, by power vested in me as Adjutant General do appoint W. W. Bomar, Surgeon of Battalion and enjoin him to regulate his conduct strictly according to the rules and regulations of the Army of the United States.”
On March 15, 1838 General Sam Houston wrote:
“Dr William W. Bomar was in the Battle of San Jacinto and is entitled to pay as surgeon for the term he served, as well as headright with land due to those in the Battle of San Jacinto.”
General Thomas J. Rusk in the same record certified that Dr. Bomar served as Regimental Surgeon from March 9 to May 25, 1836.
The heirs of Dr. Bomar were on May 26, 1838 issued Donation Certificate No. 118 for 640 acres of land due him for having participated in the battle of San Jacinto.
Dr. Bomar returned to his home in Bolivar, Tennessee, where he died in August, 1837.
In 1934 Judge Harold K. Dycus furnished the following information regarding Dr. Bomar to the compiler: He was born in Spartanburg, South Carolina in 1797, A son of Thomas and Elizabeth (High) Bomar. In 1822 he was married to Maria Meredith at Kingston, Roane County, Tennessee. Children of this union were Sarah Jones, Elizabeth High, Caroline, Maria and Richard Meredith Bomar.
Richard M. Bomar, son of Dr. William W. Bomar, was killed in the battle of the Wilderness while serving in the Confederate Army.
Elizabeth High Bomar, daughter of Dr. William W. Bomar, was married to Joseph A. McCord. Their children were (1) W. B., (2) Maria, (3) Carrie, (4) Joseph N., a daughter named for her father, (5) Clara F., (6) Richard B. and Andrew McCord.
(2) Maria McCord was married to F. A. Dycus. Their children were Corrine; Evelyn, now Mrs. Evelyn Fisher, Waelder, Texas; Richard B.; Frank E.; and Norman D. Dycus, Dallas.
[Letterhead: Harold K. Dycus County Judge Ex-officio County Superintendent Archer City, Texas]
September 17th, 1934
Mr. L. W. Kemp, Member
Texas Historical Board. 214 Westmoreland Ave.,
Houston, Texas
My dear Mr. Kemp:-
I have your letter of the 14th, date and I thank you for your kindness in granting my request for information as to the service record of William W. Bomar in the Texas Rebellion.
My father had thought that Dr. Bomar served in the battle of San Jacinto and we just accepted this as fact. Then when propaganda was instituted for a Texas Centennial celebration I determined to investigate his service record. I found his service record amongst the Archives State Library and after reading his application for discharge was intrigued to trace him back to his family connection.
I found that William W. Bomar was born in Spartanburg South Carolina in 1797, the son of Thomas Bomr and his wife Elizabeth High; that he married Maria Meredith at Kingston, Roane County, Tennessee in 1822. I have not yet found when he first appeared in Hardeman County, Tennessee. He left Bolivar on January 25th, 1836 and joined the Texas Army March 9th. 1836.
There is an error in the surmise that the Richard H. Bomar who enlisted in the Texas Army after the battle of San Jacinto was the son of William W. Bomar for the reason that the son of Dr. Bomar, Richard Meredith Bomar was the youngest child of his union with Maria, his wife. Richard M. Bomar was a soldier in the Southern Army and after serving for more than three years was killed in the Battle of the Wilderness. (Co. A: 4th Reg. Hoods Brigade.)
I can understand how you may get enjoyment in a hobby of the sort you are following. I have gotten a great deal of pleasure in tracing this history back and when I have time to make some personal inspection of records of the older States I may do so. I at least have proven to myself that the migrations of people during the early days of the American Colonies can be successfully followed.
With personal good wishes, I am
Very truly yours
(signed) Harold K. Dycus
P. S. I have traced the family to 1755.
Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.
Battle Statistics
- Died in Battle: No
- Company: Tending sick at Harrisburg
Personal Statistics
- Date of Birth: 1797
- Birthplace: South Carolina, Spartanburg
- Origin: Tennessee
- Came to Texas: 1836 Mar
- Date of Death: 1837 Aug
- Donation Certificate: 228
- Profession: Doctor
- Wife: Maria Meredith
- Children: Sarah Jones Bomar; Elizabeth High Bomar McCord; Caroline Bomar; Maria Bomar; Richard Meredith Bomar
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