Veteran Bio
The Kemp Sketch
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PARKER, DICKERSON--The compiler is responsible for having the name DICKINSON PARKER put on the bronze plaque in the memorial tower on the San Jacinto Battlefield and on the monument erected at the grave of Mr. Parker in Houston County. Altho the name DICKINSON PARKER appears on the official San Jacinto rolls printed in a booklet in 1836 the CORRECT name is DICKERSON PARKER.
Read The Full Bio
He was born in Tennessee on May 29, 1812, a son of Rev. Daniel and Patsey (Dickerson) Parker. On June 9, 1835 he received title to one-fourth of a league of land in Burnet's Colony, situated in the present county of Anderson. In the Headright Certificate issued to DICKERSON PARKER February 15, 1838 for three-fourths of a league and one labor of land by the Board of Land Commissioners for Houston county it is stated that he came to Texas in 1833. He was a member of Captain Hayden Arnold's NACOGDOCHES COMPANY at the Battle of San Jacinto. On November 18, 1839 Donation Certificate No. 948 for 640 acres of land was issued in the name of DICKERSON PARKER, for his participation in the battle. Bounty Certificate No. 9298 for 320 acres of land was issued on the same date to DICKERSON PARKER, for serving in the army from March 8 to May 30, 1836.
Mr. Parker married Lucinda Eaton on October 1, 1837. He died on August 1, 1844. Mrs. Parker was born January 14, 1820 and died January 27, 1847. The State of Texas had a joint monument erected at their graves in the Parker family cemetery near Elkhart, Houston County in 1936.
Children of Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson Parker were:
(1) John, m. Lucinda E. Rossom, issue; Ben J. lived in Elkhart; Texas Iciphena, m. W.J. Kennedy; Irene, m. S.J. Bennett and lived in Elkhart; Lucinda, m. E.A. Brown of Elkhart; Nannie, m. Lewis Wahling of Muskogee, Oklahoma; and Laura, m. L.D. Woodward of Elkhart.
(2) Ira, never married and died in the Civil War at Chicamanga, Tennessee fighting for the South.
(3) Ben, m. Martha Pennington, issue: Ira, died; John R. lived in Boyd Texas; Miles and Ben lived in Elkhart; Callie m. John Montgomery of Elkhart; and Willie died in Elkhart; and
(4) Mary Ann Parker, m. Isaac J. Curry, issue: James I. lived in Midfield; Lilly Curry, m. James Speaks of Pleasant Hill, LA.; John W. m. Jesse Nelms and lived in Dallas, Texas.
Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.
Battle Statistics
- Died in Battle: No
- Rank: Private
- Company: Capt. Hayden S. Arnold
Personal Statistics
- Alternate Names: Dickinson
- Date of Birth: 1812 May 29
- Birthplace: Tennessee
- Came to Texas: 1833
- Date of Death: 1844 Aug 1
- Burial Place: Pilgrim Cemetery, Elkhart, Anderson County, Texas
- Bounty Certificate: 9298
- Donation Certificate: 948
- Wife: Lucinda Eaton
- Children: John Parker; Ira Parker; Ben Parker; Mary Ann Parker Curry
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