Veteran Bio
The Kemp Sketch
LOVE, ROBERT S. -- Came to Texas in January, 1836 as is shown in the Headright Certificate issued to him by the Sabine County Board February 10, 1838 for one-third of a league of land. He was a member of Captain Benjamin F. Bryant's Company at San Jacinto. He made no claim for land due him for his services in the army.
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A soldier by the name of Robert S. Love served as Second Corporal from June 9 to October 2, 1846 in the Company commanded by Captain William Gillaspie, First Regiment of Mounted Texas Riflemen Volunteers in the Mexican War. This was probably the same man who participated in the Battle of San Jacinto, but the compiler has no proof that such was the case.
The following is from a letter to the compiler from the Adjutant General's Office, Washington, D. C. September 8, 1937: "The records show one Robert S. Love enrolled May 16, 1846, at Huntsville, Texas for six months, and mustered in June 9, 1846, at Fort Polk, Texas, to date June 6, 1846, as a private of Captain Gillaspie's Company, 1st Regiment (J.C. Hays) Texas Mounted Rifles (Mexican War} and was honorably discharged as a private by substitute August 3, 1846, at Matamoras, Mexico. The War Department has no knowledge of his whereabouts subsequent to the date of his discharge. It is suggested as a possibility that he may have been a pensioner and later information concerning him may be obtained from the Veterans Administration, Washington, D.C."
Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.
Battle Statistics
- Died in Battle: No
- Rank: Private
- Company: Capt. Benjamin F. Bryant
Personal Statistics
- Origin: Tennessee
- Came to Texas: 1836 Jan
- Comments: Mexican War
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