Veteran Bio
The Kemp Sketch
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BRIGHAM, MOSES W. -- Arrived At Velasco, January 28, 1836 on the Pennsylvania, having been recruited in New Orleans for the army of Texas by Captain Amasa Turner. The fact that he arrived in Texas in January 1836 is stated in the Headright Certificate No. 22 issued to the heirs of Moses W. Brigham, deceased, February 8, 1838, for one-third of a league of land by the Board of Land Commissioners for Harrisburg County. He was a member of Captain William S. Fisher's Company of Velasco Blues at San Jacinto but his heirs did not apply for the donation land due him for having participated in the battle. On January 16, 1838 Bounty Certificate No. 1875 for 320 acres of land was issued to M. W., Brigham due him for having served in the army from March 16 to June 16, 1836.
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Mr. Brigham and Mandred Wood were killed by David J. Jones and John Christopher Columbus Quick in Houston in January 1838. The following facts concerning Mr. Brigham are found in the Probate Records of Harris County. Mr. Brigham died January 20 and his estate was charged with a doctor's bill, indicating that he was not instantly killed. From the inventory of his estate it appears that he ran a small mercantile establishment, with a bar in connection, in Houston. His largest creditor seems to have been George Stevens, who was appointed administrator of his estate February 13, 1838. (Vol. B, p.74 Probate Records of Harris County). On February 28, 1839 William Fairfax Gray was appointed curator for the heirs of Mr. Brigham, whose names were not given (Old Minute Books of Harris County, page 35).
Mrs. Margaret Brigham, widow of Moses W. Brigham, was living in Austin, September 26, 1883 when she was issued Veterans Donation Certificate No. 1084 for 1280 acres of land. In her petition for the certificate she stated that Mr. Brigham had died in the summer of 1839. (Veterans Donation File No. 1084)
The State of Texas had a monument erected at the grave of Pioneers Memorial Park in Houston in 1936 but by mistake the date of his death was shown on it as 1854 instead of 1838.
Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.
Battle Statistics
- Died in Battle: No
- Rank: Private
- Company: Capt. William S. Fisher
Personal Statistics
- Origin: Louisiana
- Came to Texas: 1836 Jan 28
- Date of Death: 1838 Jan 20
- Bounty Certificate: 1875
- Donation Certificate: 1084
- Profession: Storekeeper, barkeeper
- Wife: Margaret Brigham
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