Veteran Bio
The Kemp Sketch
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BREWER, HENRY MITCHELL -- Born in Georgia, June 3, 1807, a son of Henry and Susannah Brewer, who came to Texas from Georgia in 1816 with their children and settled near the Nacono Indian Village in what is now Nacogdoches County. There they remained for the balance of their lives. Two children, Bethany and John were born in Texas, John being born January 23, 1819. Henry Brewer, the father was born October 24, 1776 and his wife, Susannan, was born April 17, 1777. Their children in order of birth were: James, born April 27, 1792; Nancy; Tempe, born August 12, 1802; George, born September 30, 1804; Clarissa; Henry Mitchel, born June 3, 1807; Sarah; William, born December 15, 1812; Mary, born April 23, 1814; Bethany, and John Brewer, born January 23, 1819.
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Henry Brewer and his youngest son, John, participated in the battle of Nacogdoches August 2, 1832.
Henry Mitchel Brewer participated in the battle of San Jacinto as a member of Captain Hayden Arnold's Company and on May 14, 1839 he was issued Donation Certificate No. 882 for 640 acres of land for this service. On November 17, 1837 he received Bounty Certificate No. 345 for having served in the army from April 12 to May 13, 1836. The land was surveyed in Van Zandt County in 1841. In Service Record No. 4686 it is certified that Mr. Brewer, Howard Bailey, Thomas D. Books, Stephen F. Sparks and Henry Chapman enlisted in the army at Nacogdoches, March 8, 1836, and had been assigned various duties. On April 8th while at Harrisburg, they were ordered to report to the Commander-in-Chief of the army. They left under the escort of Major Leander Smith and Captain A. H. Wyly and on the 12th reached the army and joined Captain Hayden Arnold's Nacogdoches Company. On July 12, 1838 he was issued a Headright Certificate for a league and a labor of land by the Nacogdoches County Board. He was married at that time.
Mr. Brewer was married at Nacogdoches December 9, 1836 to Sarah Windsor by Rev. Peter H. Fullenwider. Miss Windsor was a daughter of James and Polly Windsor. No children were born of this union and Mr. Brewer died intestate during the early part of 1849.
Sarah Brewer, sister of Henry Mitchell Brewer, was married twice. Her second husband was George W. Prince. Some of their surviving grandchildren are Mrs. Ethel Prince Wallace, Lilbert; R. C. Wallace, Cushing; Mrs. J. N. Sitton, Cushing; Mrs. Cora Wallace Rainey, Nacogdoches; Mrs. Iva Whitaker Denny, Lilbert; and Mrs. Cora Whitaker Denny, Lilbert.
The dates of the births and deaths of the members of the Brewer family were copied from the Brewer family Bible in 1937 by Mr. R. B. Blake of Nacogdoches, and Mr. Blake is authority for the statement that Henry M. Brewer came to Texas in 1816.
Henry Brewer, father of Henry Mitchell Brewer, received title to a league of land January 13, 1835 from Commissioner George W. Smyth, situated in the present County of Rusk. In the Headright Certificate issued to him for one labor of land by the Board of Land Commissioners of Nacogdoches County it is stated that he arrived in Texas prior to May 2, 1835. The same statement is made in the Headright Certificate issued in 1838 to Henry M. Brewer.
Miss Addie Birdwell, Trawick, Texas states that Henry Brewer died at the home of his son, John Brewer, in 1867 at the age of 91. Henry Brewer and his wife, Susannah Brewer, were the parents of five children. Henry Brewer is buried in Brewer's Chapel, Nacogdoches County, near Trawick.
Written by Louis W. Kemp, between 1930 and 1952. Please note that typographical and factual errors have not been corrected from the original sketches. The biographies have been scanned from the original typescripts, a process that sometimes allows for mistakes in the new text. Researchers should verify the accuracy of the texts' contents through other sources before quoting in publications. Additional information on the veteran may be available in the Herzstein Library.
Battle Statistics
- Died in Battle: No
- Rank: Private
- Company: Capt. Hayden S. Arnold
Personal Statistics
- Date of Birth: 1807 June 3
- Birthplace: Georgia
- Came to Texas: 1816
- Date of Death: 1849
- Bounty Certificate: 345
- Donation Certificate: 882
- Wife: Sarah Windsor
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